Once upon a time San Jose California consisted of only four ranchos. The rancho I'm focusing on is the one called Rancho Yerba Buena.
Although you will be able to find additional info on on the Anza that established all the missions in California, I know many of them would love to have this family tree as it pertains to the San Jose California area and the Chaboya family of which my daughter now belongs.

This is where you can see my daughter Bella and stepson Mateo and their Mom, my x-wife Yvette and her two younger siblings Rich and Anthony. Let it be known, this family tree was created about 30 years ago and has not been updated since.

I think this is Antonio Chabolla & Ramona Higuera my daughter's Great Great Great Grandparents.

Use the links above to search around and make the connections why IBM came to San Jose and specifically to the what is now known as the New Almaden section of San Jose. Hint: It was for the supply of mercury.
Among other things Almaden has a great public High School (Leland HS) which is where the great Pat Tillman went to school. Pat was Arizona State graduate and Arizona Cardinal. RIP Pat. My daughter Bella is learning all about Pat as she will be attending ASU and leaving for ASU very very very soon! Bitter sweet

Here is the downloadable PDF of this family tree. It is my hopes that anybody and everybody that should be on this tree get on a updated tree, wouldn't that be amazing!
God Bless, I hope this deep info is useful to people, and especially my kids. I love you Bella & Mateo.
-Your Eagle