We, the people of the World request the International Criminal Court (ICC) assistance in opening an investigation to the International crimes that were committed against humanity in hospitals across the world. We, the people are alleging that the hospitals used the Covid-19 mandated government incentivized protocols where known toxic and deadly drugs were administered to sedate, cause organ failure and ultimately hasten death. These patients were given a deadly combination and an overdose of various drugs.
It has come to light there have been Federal and International criminal violations:
• The Nuremberg Code (1947): This code, which was developed in response to the atrocities committed by Nazi doctors during World War II, sets forth ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. One of the key principles of the Nuremberg Code is that informed consent must be obtained from all research participants.
• The Helsinki Declaration (1964): This declaration, which is updated periodically by the World Medical Association, is a set of ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. The Helsinki Declaration reaffirms the principles of the Nuremberg Code and adds additional protections for research participants, such as the requirement that research be conducted only when it has the potential to benefit society.
• The Common Rule (1991): This rule, which is also known as the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, establishes regulations for research involving human subjects conducted or funded by the federal government. The Common Rule requires researchers to obtain informed consent from all research participants, and it also includes provisions for protecting research participants from harm.
• The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution (1868): The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees due process of law to all persons within the United States. This means that the government cannot deprive a person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. In the context of medical research, this means that the government cannot force a person to participate in research without their consent. This Court has federal-question jurisdiction under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 [does not have to be 1983 complaint] for violations of civil rights under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The case presents a federal question within the Court’s jurisdiction under Article III, § 2 of the United States Constitution and 28 U.S.C. §§ 1131 and 1343, and Declaratory relief is authorized by 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201 and 2202.
• The CDC has claimed the authority to grant expanded access protocols it cites as Emergency Use Instructions (EUI) for the unlicensed use of licensed and Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) drugs and biologics. However, no such authority exists in federal law. The CDC claims, “The CDC Director has legal authority to create, issue, and disseminate EUI for FDA-approved medical products. EUI inform healthcare providers and recipients about such products approved, licensed, or cleared conditions of use under circumstances that go beyond the scope of the approved labeling (package insert in most cases using Blackbox lethal combination of drugs).” Because the CDC is issuing EUIs under the 21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3 authority of the Health and Human Services Secretary, they operate under the same treaties, laws, federal agreements, and federal contracts as EUAs. Defendants’ [Standard of Care, policy, protocols], relying on EUIs, is ultra vires; thus, it lacks the force of law. Defendants’ reliance on EUIs for compliance with [policy] violates federal law and Plaintiffs’ federal Constitutional and statutory rights.
• THE PREP ACT In 2005, Congress passed the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, referred to as the PREP Act, to provide immunities for persons volunteering for “covered” activities. Accordingly, the Health and Human Services Secretary issued a PREP Act declaration for Medical Countermeasures against in February 2020. As a matter of law, all COVID-19 drugs, influenza vaccines, masks, and diagnostic testing articles under Defendants’ [policy] requirements have been declared a countermeasure under the PREP Act. The PREP Act, fundamentally, is an immunity statute. Due to the near absolute immunities provided by the U.S. Congress for persons involved in the various activities of “covered countermeasures,” the statute establishes restrictions, obligations, and duties for persons and governments involved in those activities. Congress expressly crafted language preempting state and local law conflicting with the PREP Act, which provides, in pertinent part: § 2635.101 Basic obligation of public service - Public service is a public trust. Each employee has a responsibility to the United States Government and its citizens to place loyalty to the Constitution, laws and ethical principles above private gain.
• S.204 “Right to Try” the law of the land.
Below descriptions of other crimes committed:
1. Isolation of victim: Victim is denied any access to family, friends, advocate, Pastor, Priest or Clergy, etc.
2. Strict adherence to EUA protocols: Only option allowed to victims are hospital “protocol” drugs;
Remdesivir/Veklury, Baricitinib/Olumiant, Tocilizumab/Actemra. Often forced on victim when refused.
3. Denied alternative treatments: Denied requests (often ridiculed) for treatments like Vitamins, Ivermectin,
Budesonide, Hydroxychloroquine, etc. False statements made that they are not “FDA Approved” or do not
4. Denied informed consent: No informed consent provided regarding medications, treatments, intubation,
or procedures.
5. Gaslighting: Gaslighting by Hospital Staff. Victim and family constantly told the victim will die because
they are unvaccinated/if they refuse to be vaccinated or if they don’t comply with hospital protocol or
ventilation. Constantly told their loved one “was a very sick man” or “a very sick woman”.
6. Removal of communication devices: Call lights, glasses, cell phones or other communication devices
removed from patients’ possession or placed out of their reach.
7. Dehumanization: The methodical dehumanization of the victim. Often described as “being treated like an
animal” and tied down to their bed.
8. Pervasive sense of wrongdoing: Family members, friends, and often the victim all had a feeling that
“something was wrong”.
9. Vaccination discrimination: Discrimination based on vaccine status. Mocking, verbal and physical
abuse for being unvaccinated.
10. Rapid oxygen increase: Oxygen supplementation increased quickly causing lung complications and
damage, leading to mechanical ventilation.
11. Refusal to communicate: Doctors, nurses, and hospital administration refusing to communicate with
family or advocates.
12. Dehydration and starvation: Denial of food, water, or any nutrition. Given diuretics or laxatives.
13. Battery and Restraint abuse: Many victims complained about being struck, slapped, punched, violently
held down, made to lie in their soiled beds for hours with bloody bed sores causing immense pain. They
were denied their medication for other aliments like high blood pressure, cancer, etc. Physical restraint
and/or Chemical restraints used. Failure to follow legal requirements around the use of restraints.
Ventilation used as restraint or as a method of behavior control.
14. Bathroom denial: Denial of bathroom use. Forced onto a catheter and/or rectal tube.
15. Non-emergency ventilation: Victim and family told it is just to “give the lungs a rest”.
16. DNR pressure or shenanigans: Pressured to sign DNR. Ignored or falsified DNR.
17. Palliative care pressure: Victim and family pressured into palliative care, “comfort care” or hospice.
Family denied participation in the Palliative Care Consult Meeting. Palliative care ordered without
18. Isolated even in death: Denied access to dying victim. Denied access to view the body after death.
Denial of Last Rites.
19. Police/Security involvement: Police/Security used to keep victim isolated. Families were threatened
with arrest.
20. Refusal of transfer: Refusal to change doctors or make hospital transfer.
21. Infections and injuries: Sepsis, MRSA or Hospital-Acquired Infection. Pressure sores, skin tears,
22. Neglect: Neglect and lack of basic care, general hygiene or grooming, bathing, linen changes.
23. Nighttime emergencies: Family woken up and pressured to make instant life and death choices with
little information. Staff attempting to “scare them” or “confuse them”. Victims given deadly drugs at night
without patient or family consent. Families being coerced to get the Covid-19 vaccine and PCR tested to
see their family member.
24. Perception of malevolence: Victim states or feels like hospital staff is torturing them or going to kill
25. Unqualified staff: Treatment by foreign, travel, FEMA, or unqualified Medical Staff.
26. Denial of autopsy or Body Viewing: There were several cases where the hospital denied autopsies
and contacted the funeral homes to deny identification and viewing of the victim’s body.
27. FEMA pay-off: FEMA paying for funeral costs as long as family allows Covid-19 or Covid Pneumonia to
be written on Death Certificate.
Through the review of witness statements and medical records, families and loved ones of patients who died in hospitals have reason to question the following:
1. Why patients were chemically and physically restrained and unable to exercise their right to leave the
2. Why treatments were administered without consent and in many cases against expressed refusal.
3. Why patients and their families were coerced to make decisions regarding treatments based on false
In summary, we request an immediate investigation to obtain answers to all questions including: “Why were Covid-19 deaths almost exclusively in healthcare inpatient facilities” - facilities where advocates were not permitted to observe treatment? Why are decisions and purported treatment imposed upon patients done for monetary gain for the hospitals and contrary to the best interests of the patients? Why are hospitals still using Covid-19 hospital protocols for “Covid-patients” to this day and now treating babies and children with these toxic and deadly combination of drugs?

By signing this Petition for Investigation, I support and encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to stand for life and investigate the egregious Hospital protocols, overdosing our loved ones, causing injuries and hastening death.
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Petition For Investigation.